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Two declarations changed all human history and created our modern world by establishing equality and liberty for all: The Ten Commandments and the American Declaration of Independence.


Adrian has drafted our 2nd American Declaration of Independence to change our world again, to permanently end runaway government, to renew America, and to restore everyone's American dream over-night!  The 2nd Declaration is the first step of the REDEEM THE DREAM NOW movement. It’s what our founders left for us to do.


Then and Now

The RTDNOW movement provides an effortless way to involve all citizens in the democracy to keep America from backsliding into economic tyranny every 75-125 years while billionaires gain government control and steal the American Dream. We must finish this part of our American "evolution" in our time with a 100% citizen activism everyday.


It all starts right here, right now. 300-Million ordinary hard working citizens take back control of their country and futures once more, by simply adding their names to the 2nd Declaration of Independence, at RTDNOW.COM.


12 Songs, Run Time 56 minutes

  1. Enigma Wrapped in a Riddle

  2. Until We Reach the Promised Land 

  3. This Blessed Day

  4. I Just Want to be With You 

  5. This Is Our Time 

  6. Seize The Moment 

  7. (Let's Go) Walking With Giants 

  8. In Perfect Communion 

  9. Dreamcatcher

  10. Redeem The Dream Now 

  11. In an Online Stampede 

  12. Add Your Name (at RTDNOW.COM) 

  13. It's Judgment Day 

  14. Declare Independence Again 

  15. Dreaming of Us: 

  16. It Shall Be Done 


"My friends, only 56 American spirits signed our first declaration, and it created the most prosperous period in all human history.


We’re doing it again, but this time with 300 -Million American Spirits. With this focus on restoring everyone’s American Dream, it can happen OVER-NIGHT! It was unstoppable then, and it will be now.


That's why I am declaring July 4th, 2017: Judgment Day. I’m asking every single American to Declare Independence Again and to Redeem The American Dream Now by adding their name at RTDNOW.COM."


- Adrian, 2017



Adrian opens DECLARE with a song of reflection: Enigma Wrapped in a Riddle. He takes us through America’s progressive history, connecting us to present day in a lament, titled: Until We Reach the Promised Land. He reminds us of actions everyday Americans took to contribute to the formation of a more perfect union. Adrian continues to reach-out to every single American in: I Just Want to be With You, a soulful saxophone driven anthem asking everyone to join him daily at


In the next three songs, Adrian reads and updates the three sections of our 1st Declaration of Independence: introduction, grievances, and signing roll call. These three songs are Seize the Moment, In Perfect Communion, and Add Your Name (At Rtdnow.Com). Next, it’s time to put on our walking shoes as we stroll from our founding past into present day with the song: (Let’s Go) Walking with Giants, and This Is Our Time. Adrian implores us to all answer the call of every generation to preserve and renew freedom for those who come after us, because now it is time to act, 300-Million-AS-1 and add our names: In An Online Stampede (at RTDNOW.COM).

It’s Judgement Day takes the air out of the room with its chilling dirge, as we wait for the Redemption freight train steaming around the bend. Then we rally to action and determine our own judgement day, with Redeem the Dream Now. The album culminates in the title song: Declare: Help Me Save America, where we as a people are prepared to act, and are tired of living out these nightmares. Finally, the album closes with the acoustic back porch reprise of the opera’s opening song: Dreaming Of Us, which captures how America started, how it grew, and how it prospers. This final song features the master guitar work of Tim Ellis playing all three acoustic guitars.


Each of the albums at REDEEM THE DREAM are available daily, for free, song by song, in an online rock opera for we the people at Together they make the case to every American that each one matters, and we are our own salvation. It is time for every one of us to act, to add our names and restore the American Dream for everyone Overnight!


DECLARE Independence again at RTDNOW, and look forward to the next album: EVOLVE, to hear the next step in America’s evolution to freedom. Catch the vision, be inspired and join us as we DECLARE our Independence again!


Song backstory, photos, videos, lyrics and discussion questions

We’re Doing It Again

Thomas Jefferson

3rd President of the United States

That was the two word toast former 2nd President John Adams gave the City of Boston for their 50th Independence Day celebration. Adams was rule of law driven. Jefferson was individual aspiration driven. Adams wanted a strong executive branch, Jefferson deplored anything feeling like monarchy. Together they were the primary architects of our 1st Declaration of Independence. Friends, founders, rivals, enemies, and dear friends again  in their latter years, corresponding actively.

John Adams

2nd President of the United States

Both  passed on the 4th of July, 1826 lamenting in quiet glory that superstition, persecution and bigotry had been abated and the country was moving toward science and literature with a sparking future awaiting.

My friends, we are that future. Its our turn to answer Adams' timeless echo and reaffirm our national purpose and Declare Independence Again. Add your name to our 2nd Declaration of Independence RTDNOW. And we shall all capture our sparkling future by restoring everyone's American dream OVER-NIGHT! For America to live and prosper forever we must all renew our purpose together again. It's never been more important or clearer than right now. "Independence Forever!"

Independence Forever!

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