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Climb Out of the Wishing Well
For the Ordinary Man
Save Our Factory of Dreams
Everybody's For Sale
Ghost Towns
Lip Service
Freakshow Arcade
Home of the Brave
I'm Ready to Go
Declare Independence Again
No Sky Clear Tonight
Fight for Your Future
In an Online Stampede
I Pray It's Good Enough
Dreaming Of Us
Have a Party
Redeem The Dream Now
Change the Game
Journalism Is Dead
Call Me American
In the Popular Music Rebellion of Today
Abandoned Chosen and Special
United We Stand

Sampler Album   Change The Game

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For the Ordinary Man
Everybody's For Sale
All You Got
That's All You Need to Know
I'm Ready to Go
Reach the Promised Land of Equality
In an Online Stampede
Change the Game
Can't Wait Anymore
Declare Independence Again
United We Stand
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