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  1. 30% Unemployment
  2. Nobody Can Pay Bills
  3. Rent is Due
  4. 30% Small Biz Failing
  5. FOUR Stage Economic Collapse
  6. 80 Million Jobs Lost in 4 Years
  7. 40 Yr. Failed Economic Leadership

Enjoy the Podcasts

They're about how your life improves 100% overnight with RTDNOW and 300% over 3 years.

Read How or The Full OP-ED

"This is why I spent 10 years bringing RTDNOW to life in 2020. So our children would have a real democracy to grow up in with upward mobility, and a great standard of living for all, so 300 million citizens can actually live full American dreams RIGHT NOW and not just wish they had one. Join me, its easy: add your name, subscribe, and share all the songs and podcasts daily!" Start thinking in terms of 300 million people who all want the same thing, and can have it overnight if they all take action together. Share RTDNOW everywhere, daily, add your name. Thank You!!!   Adrian

Hello, I'm Adrian




"Music's my hobby. Saving the American dream's my passion. I had to connect 300 million citizens to do it. Reese's moment, they fused. I found a producer and great musicians. I said "Makin' an opera to rally the nation to restore the American dream. All said "Rally? Restore it!!!" So I made RTDNOW. I'm a small business expert: it's how I know how redeem the dream. I turned around the 2nd most unprofitable bank in the nation in a day when I was 33. We have 5,000 banks. Same formula to restore the American dream overnight. Get to know me. Together, we got this."  


Enjoy 100 Songs

All are Free Access. 

Please Share our American dream

story: 40 musicians, 10 year project.

Adrian's Promised Land Band.

The Rock Opera to Save America

  1. 100% Unemployment Insurance 
  2. 18 Month Full Recovery Plan
  3. Full Rent and Mortgage Stop
  4. 1% Small Biz Reset + 1% New $
  5. FOUR Stage Recovery Plan
  6. Creates 80 Million Jobs, 30 Million yr. 1
  7. Complete All Citizens Plan fully restoring       300 million American dreams overnight.
  • Households get up to $1,000/month more forever with 1% fixed rate home loans that enact Adrian's plan to reduce the cost of living by 50% overnight: cuts cost by 1/2.
  • This makes housing affordable for all.
  • This ends poverty in America fast, forever.
  • Adrian's plan TRIPLES YOUR PAY.
  • 100% overnight with new home loan savings.
  • 200% with 80 million new jobs with double the Fed minimum wage we will reset.
  • If you love MY PLAN, write in ADRIAN 2020

All Citizens Plan?


Politics failed: 100 million in poverty in 2019, 200 million now. Let's all be independents for a while to fix this.

All the other options suck.


We've entered a great depression, podcasts explain.

To pay bills, have jobs, avoid collapse, have a future,

We need a polite, quick, EZ, overnight 1776 online:    

Add your names 300 million as 1 To All Get:


  • Up to $1,000/month FOREVER for households

  • 18 Month rent stop + 80 million jobs 2x min wage​


  • 30 Million SMALL BUSINESSES Relief Revolution: 1% loan reset + 1% new $​: if they fail we all fail.



The Good, Bad, and Ugly before us
  GOOD     RTDNOW creates 80 million jobs at 2X minimum wage.
  BAD     Technology's taking 80 million jobs, a 50% job loss over 5 years.
  UGLY     As a result America remains 'ghost towns' until we redeem the dream.

Restore Everyone's American Dream Overnight!


Write in Adrian for President 2020

I don't really want to 'BE' President. But I am the only person with a real plan to restore your full dream overnight and will actually work for you! I am a citizen that wants America to work for all of us, daily, and fast. So if you want everyone's American dream restored FAST, draft me. If the 120 million who don't vote because they know its all rigged, that may hear the rock opera, Vote Adrian, I beat both candidates easily. So as crazy as it sounds, its very possible if you share this daily :) I'm fine with someone else implementing the RTDNOW plan but America won't survive without it. I'm positive. That's why I'm doing this. As the rock opera is titled, TO SAVE AMERICA, but I need at least 100 million to save it with me. The Federal Reserve, our 'central bank', REMOVING bank reserves is like throwing women and children OUT of the life boats so they stay afloat. Once you see that for the last sinking gasp it is to buy 12-36 months, you'll be my biggest supporter. I've predicted the last two recession/depressions in vivid detail, see my eBook and Podcasts. You may not love my singing, but you will love THE RTDNOW PLAN.


Restore Everyone's American Dream Overnight!


Write in Adrian for President 2020


I don't really want to 'BE' President. But I am the only person with a real plan to restore your full dream overnight that will actually work for you directly. I am a citizen that wants America to work for all of us, daily, and fast. So if you want everyone's American dream restored FAST, draft me. If the 120 million who don't vote because they know its all rigged, that may hear the rock opera, Vote Adrian, I beat both candidates easily. So as crazy as it sounds, its very possible if you share this daily :) I'm fine with someone else implementing the RTDNOW plan but America won't survive without it. I'm positive. That's why I'm doing this. As the rock opera is titled, TO SAVE AMERICA, but I need at least 100 million to save it with me. The Federal Reserve, our 'central bank', REMOVING bank reserves is like throwing women and children OUT of the life boats so they stay afloat. Once you see that for the last sinking gasp it is to buy 12-36 months, you'll be my biggest supporter. I've predicted the last two recession/depressions in vivid detail, see my eBook and Podcasts. You may not love my singing, but you will love THE RTDNOW PLAN.


New Book: Our Leaders Dismantled Equality.

"I blame BOTH parties overrun by money. RTDNOW exists so we can all restore equality taken away. Quickly." Adrian






We All Need








Adding Our Names to an


Restoring The American Dream  

July 4, 2020: Brrrreaking News!




NOW WHAT? How do I pay bills?

Will we all end up homeless?

Decline for 50 years, no plan: so I wrote us one.

To restore the American Dream. Now its a movement.


     WE All Need a Real Way Forward      

  We All Need A NEW AMERICA  

Hello, I'm Adrian. I had a crazy idea 10 years ago that 300 million people not in the elite wealth class would need a GREAT DEAL fast (cancel rent, double the minimum wage, create 80 million jobs, cut the cost of housing by 50%, which gives everyone up to $1,000 more per month to end poverty, and create real equality) when America, run on debt to create an elite wealth class of 35 million, FULLY collapsed. 'Stimulus' is more 'BandAids'. PLEASE READ the All Citizens Plan now.  335 million citizens will love it, because we can't survive without it. 


       WHY We All Must Take Action Now         

 40% of businesses will FAIL over 12 months   35% true unemployment now! Nobody can pay rent, and that's before we lose 50 million jobs to technology. 260 million Americans had Zero savings in 2019. We all live in GHOST TOWNS now, but as desperation covers the nation, it will get much worse: there will be riots, crime and chaos. We don't have a choice, we have to act: government forgot us all for 50 years is paralyzed with 'donor' global money. Doing nothing gets us all TOTAL financial collapse in 80% of all homes. The eBook and Podcasts ACCURATELY predicted all that's unfolding. Only we the people can save us.


     HOW Do We all Get a New America?     

    300 Million Adding Our Names Online    to an 'overnight' All Citizens Plan. That's how we all bring a new America, with true equality, and prosperity, for all, into being fast. Where Your PAY is 2X as big as your bills, like 50 years ago. Reseting economic policy, like when I turned around a failed bank, happens overnight: music's my hobby. So Please Read the Plan! AND SHARE it EVERYWHERE. Enjoy the free music and podcasts and eBook. Album 1 is out, Today's The Day, REDEEM THE DREAM NOW!

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To get to real info, not fake news, you have to

read older documentaries. The plight of 300 million

living a broken American dream screams out when

looking at this fine book published in 2001. 


The takeaways: 


1. America didn't just collapse. 100 million have lived in subsistence wages since 1900. Now 100 million more are facing poverty.


2. Only 30% of all workers, about 45 million were at minimum wage in 2000. Compared to 50%, about 80 million in 2019 B.C. before Covid. That means as the population increased from 281 million to 335 million, B.C., 35 million MORE slipped into POVERTY over the last 20 years. Today 100 million are in poverty, quickly going to 200 million as technology takes 50 million jobs.


3. We are all growing much poorer because nobody is setting economic policy that gets us a good living for a hard days work. In the book minimum wage (that she illustrates by living it) you can't live on, was $7.50 an hour, (in 1998!) and an apartment was $400/month. 20 years later, many States are still there! PA, ID, OK, KS, KY, LA, MISS, NC, ND, TN, TX, UT, VA, WS, WY, are ALL $7.25/hr, which is the Federal Minimum Wage. They haven't BUDGED IN 20 years. But an apartment is now $800/month. So 300 million not in the elite wealth class just got 50% poorer in two short decades. This is why we have reached total inequality, and why I wrote the RTDNOW plan, so we can all represent ourselves.


4. Bathroom breaks were not law until 1998. Wow. If you don't think we need to all sign RTDNOW 300 million as 1 to make it happen, you should think again because this shows our government DOES NOT work for 300 million you's. We need a new RTDNOW America now. Its what Bernie (and Andrew Yang) was saying without a way to pay for it, without a plan, without a way to still let capitalism thrive. My plan figured all this out. Please read it.

We All Need To Take Action To Protect Our Families
300 Million As 1 Add Your Name


Hello, I'm Adrian:                                                        7/4/2020


Everybody wants a new America where they get up to $1,000 a month for free, very affordable housing, rent cancelled, minimum wage doubled so we all live well, and an abundance of GOOD jobs created: so I wrote us all a plan that pays for itself, so we can all get it. We just have to all add our names to make it happen. 35 million elites don't need help, but 300 million trying to survive a broken American dream with no savings need new rules fast. Read the book review below, government without all the citizens telling them what we want makes things worse for we the people. Since my real profession was small business economics, music's my hobby, everybody told me to write the RTDNOW plan while I was making the music. Welcome to the RTDNOW all citizens movement! We're all restoring everyone's FULL American dream by changing policy overnight, not lip service and crumbs as usual. It's not rocket science...300 Million as 1


P.S.  If America had a plan for all of us I wouldn't have had to write one.

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our other PANDEMIC      
hear how we fix them

Shining light on the American Dream 


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